P.P.P.S Right as I was finishing up writing this, I saw a news report saying how the mayor of New York City gave in to the “Defund the Police” movement and eliminated the NYC plain clothes crime prevention team.
This immediately took 600 officers off the streets who were previously out there specifically to stop violent crimes before they happened.
Well… BIG SURPRISE … in just a few days since implementing this dramatic change, the MURDER rate in New York City has DOUBLED.
And the special interest groups, media and politicians are now all saying “Hey, this wasn’t supposed to happen!”
They honestly thought by reducing the police force that somehow crime would go down!!!
But here’s the REALLY scary thing…
The mayor is standing by his decision!!!
He HONESTLY thinks this is just a fluke and has nothing to do with the sudden lack of police presence.
My friends, if this can happen in the BIGGEST city in the United States, it can happen ANYWHERE!!!
Don’t think because you live in a small town somewhere that you will be isolated from these kinds of “Progressive” decisions.
Also, if you are reading this from another part of the world, don’t make the mistake of thinking this is just an “American” problem.
Much of the rest of the world follows the lead of The United States.
In most cases, that’s a good thing. But the kinds of changes being FORCED onto us right now should have every liberty loving person shaking with frustration, anger, and worry.
This is the VERY reason why I decided to finally release the How to Defend Yourself with a Knife training system.
And why I made the decision to offer it for a limited time at the almost insane price of ONLY $47.
And I sincerely hope you see exactly how passionate I am about getting this training in the hands of as many RESPONSIBLE people as I can.
You just can’t count on anyone but YOU with the things which are tremendously important, like your family, your property, your possessions and especially YOUR LIFE.
Go ahead and TAKE ACTION now to ensure you are one of the survivors.